Accredited Programs
Graduates of medical assisting programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) are eligible to take the CMA (AAMA) Certification Exam.
CAAHEP Accredited Medical Assistant Programs in Wisconsin:
Blackhawk Technical College - Janesville, WI
Medical Assisting Program
PO Box 5009
6004 Prairie Road
Janesville, WI 53547-5009
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Helen Franklin, BSN
Phone: (608) 758-6900
Bryant & Stratton College - Milwaukee, WI
Website: www.bryantstratton.edu
Medical Assisting Program
310 West Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 500 East
Milwaukee, WI 53203-2213
Degrees: Associate
Satellite / Multiple Campuses: Wauwatosa, WI (Milwaukee West); Glendale, WI
Program Director: Marne Bonomo, PhD, MHA, RN, CNOR
Email: mlbonomo@bryantstratton.edu
Phone: (414) 276-5200
Chippewa Valley Technical College - Eau Claire, WI
Website: www.cvtc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
620 West Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701-6162
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Brigitte M. Niedzwiecki, RN, MSN
Email: bniedzwiecki@cvtc.edu
Phone: (715) 833-6398
Concordia University Wisconsin - West Milwaukee, WI and Mequon, WI
Website: www.cuw.edu/medicalassistant
Medical Assistant Program
1670 Miller Park Way
West Milwaukee, WI 53214
Degrees: Certificate
Program Director: Susan E. Lowrey, CMA (AAMA), M.Ed.
Email: Susan.Lowrey@cuw.edu
Phone: (414) 649-0795
Fox Valley Technical College - Oshkosh, WI
Website: www.fvtc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
150 North Campbell Road
PO Box 2217
Oshkosh, WI 54902-3480
Degrees: Diploma
Satellite / Multiple Campuses: Waupaca, WI
Program Director: Barbara Tuchscherer, MSN, RN
Email: tuchschb@fvtc.edu
Phone: (920) 735-5774
Gateway Technical College - Elkhorn Campus - Elkhorn, WI
Website: www.gtc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
400 County Road H
Elkhorn, WI 53121-2035
Degrees: Diploma
Satellite / Multiple Campuses: Racine, WI
Program Director: Robert S. Formanek, CMA, MEd, MT(ASCP)
Email: formanekr@gtc.edu
Phone: (262) 741-8200
Gateway Technical College-Racine - Kenosha, WI
Website: www.gtc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
1001 Main Street
Racine, WI 53403-1582
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Lori A. Andreucci, CMA, MEd, CMT
Email: andreuccil@gtc.edu
Phone: (262) 331-4653
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College - Hayward, WI
Website: www.lco.edu
Medical Assisting Program
13466 W Trepania Road
Hayward, WI 54843-2181
Degrees: Associate
Program Director: Laurie E. Jensen, CMA (AAMA), MBA, MT
Email: ljensen@lco.edu
Phone: (715) 634-4790 x 172
Madison Area Technical College - Madison, WI
Website: http://www.madisoncollege.edu/
Medical Assisting Program
3550 Anderson Street
Madison, WI 53791
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Connie Matheson, RN
Email: cmatheson@matcmadison.edu
Phone: (608) 246-6110
Mid-State Technical College - Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Website: www.mstc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
2600 W 5th Street
Marshfield, WI 54449-3299
Degrees: Diploma
Satellite / Multiple Campuses: Stevens Point, WI
Program Director: Pamela J. Alt, RN, MSN, NP-C
Email: pam.alt@mstc.edu
Phone: (715) 389-7000
Milwaukee Area Technical College - Milwaukee, WI
Website: www.matc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
700 W State Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233-1443
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Gale Bradford, MBA
Email: bradfoga@matc.edu
Phone: (414) 297-6934
Moraine Park Technical College - Fond du Lac, WI
Website: www.morainepark.edu
Medical Assisting Program
235 N National Avenue
Fond du Lac, WI 54935-2897
Degrees: Diploma
Satellite / Multiple Campuses: Beaver Dam, WI
Program Director: Bobbi Fields, MPA, BS-HA, CMA (AAMA)
Email: bfields@morainepark.edu
Phone: (920) 924-3354
Nicolet Area Technical College - Rhinelander, WI
Website: www.nicoletcollege.edu
Medical Assisting Program
PO Box 518
Rhinelander, WI 54501
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Candace S. Dailey, CMA, MSN, RN
Email: csdailey@nicoletcollege.edu
Phone: (715) 365-4539
Northcentral Technical College - Wausau, WI
Website: www.ntc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
1000 W Campus Drive
Wausau, WI 54401
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Janet Baumann CMA(AAMA), EMT
Email: baumannj@ntc.edu
Phone: (715) 675-3331
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College - Green Bay, WI
Website: www.nwtc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
2740 W Mason Street
PO Box 19042
Green Bay, WI 54303-4966
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Karen Koenig, BSN, RN
Email: karen.koenig@nwtc.edu
Phone: (920) 498-5523
Rasmussen College - Green Bay - Green Bay, WI
Website: www.rasmussen.edu
Medical Assisting Program
904 South Taylor
Suite 100
Green Bay, WI 54302-2349
Degrees: Associate
Concentration: Diploma and Associate Degree
Program Director: Sara Etmans, RMA (ARMA), BA
Email: sara.etmans@rasmussen.edu
Phone: (920) 593-8400
Rasmussen College - Appleton WI
Website: www.rasmussen.edu
Medical Assisting Program
3500 E. Destination Drive
Appleton, WI 54915
Degrees: Associate
Concentration: Diploma and Associate Degree
Program Director: Julie Rasmussen, CMA (AAMA)
Email: Julie.rasmussen@rasmussen.edu
Phone: (920) 750-5975
Fax: 920-750-5901
Rasmussen College - Wausau WI
Website: www.rasmussen.edu
Medical Assisting Program
1101 Westwood Drive
Wausau, WI 54401
Degrees: Associate
Concentration: Diploma and Associate Degree
Program Director: Sharon Buettner, BA, CMA (AAMA)
Email: sharon.buettner@rasmussen.edu
Phone: (715) 841-8072
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College - Fennimore, WI
Website: www.swtc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
1800 Bronson Boulevard
Fennimore, WI 53809
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Tonia Webster, CMA, RN
Email: twebster@swtc.edu
Phone: (608) 822-2665
Waukesha County Technical College - Pewaukee, WI
Website: www.wctc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
800 Main Street
Pewaukee, WI 53072-4601
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Maribeth Blankenheim, CMA, MEd, BSN
Email: mblankenheim@wctc.edu
Phone: (262) 691-5397
Western Technical College - La Crosse, WI
Website: www.westerntc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
400 7th Street North
PO Box C-908
La Crosse, WI 54602
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Julie Czaplewski, CMA, ME-PD
Email: czaplewskij@westerntc.edu
Phone: (608) 789-6175
Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College - Superior Campus - Superior, WI
Website: www.witc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
600 N 21st Street
Superior, WI 54880-5207
Degrees: Diploma
Program Director: Luci Gunderson, RN, MS, MA
Email: luci.gunderson@witc.edu
Phone: (715) 394-6677
Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College-New Richmond - New Richmond, WI
Website: www.witc.edu
Medical Assisting Program
1019 S Knowles Avenue
New Richmond, WI 54017-1738
Degrees: Diploma
Satellite / Multiple Campuses: Rice Lake, WI
Program Director: Lynette R. Oakley, CMA, BSN, RN
Email: lynette.oakley@witc.edu
Phone: (715) 246-6561
ABHES Accredited Institutions in Wisconsin
Anthem College - Brookfield
ABHES ID# I-001-03
440 S. Executive Drive, Suite 200
Brookfield, WI 53005
Phone: (262) 641-9944
Fax: (262) 641-9955
Contact: Ms. Jennifer M. Paugh, Campus President
Email: jpaugh@anthem.edu
Website: www.anthem.edu
Massage Therapy - Associate of Applied Science (Residential)
Massage Therapy - Diploma (Residential)
Medical Assistant - Associate of Applied Science (Residential)
Medical Assistant - Diploma (Residential)
Medical Billing & Coding - Associate of Applied Science (Residential)
Medical Billing & Coding - Diploma (Residential)
Surgical Technologist - Associate of Applied Science (Residential)
Globe University - Eau Claire - MA
4955 Bullis Farm Road
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: (715) 855-6600
Fax: (715) 855-6601
Contact: Ms. Gretchen Johnson, Program Chair
Email: gretchenjohnson@globeuniversity.edu
Website: www.globeuniversity.edu
Medical Assistant - Associate in Applied Science (Residential and Distance)
Medical Assistant - Diploma (Residential and Distance)
Globe University - Green Bay - MA
2620 Development Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311
Phone: (920) 264-1600
Fax: (920) 264-1601
Contact: Ms. Jeryl Fleck, Campus Director
Email: jfleck@globeuniversity.edu
Website: www.globeuniversity.edu
Medical Assistant - Diploma (Residential and Distance)
Medical Assistant - Associate of Applied Science Degree (Residential and Distance)
Globe University - Madison East - MA
4901 Eastpark Boulevard
Madison, WI 53718
Phone: (608) 216-9400
Fax: (608) 216-9401
Contact: Mr. Rocky Klitzke, Campus Director
Email: rklitzke@globeuniversity.edu
Website: www.globeuniversity.edu
Medical Assistant - Associate of Applied Science (Residential and Distance)
Medical Assistant - Diploma (Residential and Distance)
Globe University - Madison West - MA
1345 Deming Way
Middleton, WI 53562
Phone: (608) 830-6900
Fax: (608) 830-6901
Contact: Mr. Brock Vander Velden, Campus Director
Email: bvandervelden@globeuniversity.edu
Website: www.globeuniversity.edu
Medical Assistant - Associate of Applied Science (Residential and Distance)
Medical Assistant - Diploma (Residential and Distance)
Globe University - Wausau - MA
1480 County Road XX
Rothschild, WI 54474
Phone: (715) 301-1300
Fax: (715) 301-1301
Contact: Mr. Adam Smrcka, Campus Director
Email: asmrcka@globeuniversity.edu
Website: www.globeuniversity.edu
Medical Assistant - Diploma (Residential and Distance)
Medical Assistant - Associate of Applied Science Degree (Residential and Distance)
Globe University – Appleton – MA
5045 W. Grande Market Drive
Grand Chute, WI 54913
Direct Phone: (920) 364-1122
Main Phone: (920) 364-1100
Fax: (920) 364-1101
Contact: Ms. Kara Abbott, Program Chair
Email: kabbott@globeuniversity.edu
Website: www.globeuniversity.edu
Medical Assistant – Associate of Applied Science Degree (Residential and Distance)
Herzing University - Madison - MA
5218 East Terrace Drive
Madison, WI 53718
Phone: (800) 582-1227
Fax: (608) 663-0837
Contact: Ms. Rita M. Cordova, Program Chair
Email: rcordova@msn.herzing.edu
Website: www.herzing.edu
Medical Assistant - Associate of Science (Residential)
Medical Assistant - Diploma (Residential)
Herzing University - Kenosha - MA
4006 Washington Road
Kenosha, WI 53144
Phone: (262) 671-0675
Fax: (262) 653-1434
Contact: Ms. Jennifer Paugh, Campus President
Email: jpaugh@herzing.edu
Website: www.herzing.edu/kenosha
Medical Assisting Services - Associate of Science (Residetial and Distance)
Herzing University - Milwaukee - MA
525 North 6th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Phone: (866) 508-0748
Fax: (414) 727-7090
Contact: Ms. Alberta Smith, Medical Assistant Department Program Chair
Email: alsmith@onl.herzing.edu
Website: www.herzing.edu
Associate of Science in Medical Assisting Services (ASMAS) - Associate of Science (Distance)
Diploma in Medical Assisting Services (DMAS) - Diploma (Distance)
Lakeshore Technical College - MA
1290 North Avenue
Cleveland, WI 53015
Phone: (920) 693-1000
Fax: (920) 693-8955
Contact: Ms. Lori Rooker, Program Chair
Email: lori.rooker@gotoltc.edu
Website: www.gotoltc.edu
Medical Assistant - Diploma (Residential and Distance)
Milwaukee Career College
3077 North Mayfair Road, Suite 300
Milwaukee, WI 53222
Phone: (414) 257-2939
Fax: (414) 727-9557
Contact: Mr. Jack M. Takahashi, President
Email: jtakahashi@mkecc.edu
Website: www.mkecc.edu
Medical Assistant - Diploma (Residential)
Medical Coding & Billing Specialist - Diploma (Residential)
Pharmacy Technician - Diploma (Residential)