WSMA Leadership Workshop Event

Twenty-one WSMA members and an AAMA representative attended an inaugural leadership workshop that took place on October 5-7, 2018 at the Wisconsin Lions Camp in Rosholt WI.
Amidst the north woods camp setting current and future leaders participated in workshop sessions on effective communications and engaging activities to gain a better understanding of how each of us communicate differently and learn what tools are available to help improve the quality of meetings.
We then took part in a few hours of outdoor activities designed to demonstrate communication strategies using some very amusing techniques including blindfolds, hula hoops, and other restrictions.
The afternoon session “Creating a Success Team,” focused on the WSMA organization, the roles volunteers have, and provided guidance on how to create a successful team.
The evening session was a demonstration on navigating the AAMA website and how to use the volunteer resources designed for local leaders, state leaders and the membership.
A campfire at night concluded a full day of learning and discovery.
Judy Newland, CMA (AAMA)
Ad-Hoc Leadership and Mentoring Committee Chair